What We Do

Industry Leader in RF & Hardware Hacking

The Goto Source for RF and Hardware Hacking (Penetration Testing in Wireless and from Endpoint embedded devices to Cloud)

Our testing capabilities encompass Machine Learning, Cloud, RF, Hardware Hacking, IoT, Embedded, Medical Devices, Drones and Mobile.

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A Solution?

HotWAN provides top tier hacking solutions to keep you and everyone else safe. Don’t waste time shopping for your next contractor, it’s right here in front of you. We have all the skills needed to get the job done. Click below to get in touch with one of our representatives.

Featured Services

Industry Leader in RF & Hardware Hacking

HotWAN performs Cybersecurity Penetration Testing for a variety of customers. Our testing capabilities encompass Machine Learning, Cloud, RF, Hardware Hacking, IoT, Embedded, Medical Devices, Drones and Mobile.

Hardware (Embedded)

For embedded systems, typically we perform penetration testing on IoT (Internet of Things) equipment, smart home / smart city appliances, medical devices and SCADA / Industrial Control Systems.

RF (Wireless)

We test for replay attacks, ease dropping, spoofing, network hijacking, device hijacking, exfiltration of data, reverse engineering the baseband OS, command injection, memory corruption, access to shared memory and cross-channel leakage.

Machine Learning

In Machine Learning and AI , penetration testing involves uncovering edge cases in AI Assistant implementations, reverse engineering machine learning models, tainting data with adverarial attacks and leverage generative adversarial networks.

Mobile Applications

Our Testing includes full interrogation of a mobile application and its associated services (Web Services & APIs) along with the server hosting those services.

Secure Code Review

HotWAN delivers a detailed and comprehensive report at the conclusion of each penetration test.

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